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July 10, 2020 2 min read

Must be the Moon
There is no denying the impact the moon cycles have on us. We are drawn by the moon’s light, the conscious intentions we set at New Moon and the rise of energy at Full Moon.  
The jewellery designers that inspire us work with powerful symbols, the Zodiac, the Modern Primitive, the alchemist – the potential of transformation…
And of course Mother Moon.
Full moon vibes
Inspired? We are… in our jewellery collection online you’ll find two stunning moon-inspired pendants.
The Alchemist’s Rotary Pendant shows the full moon cycle as well as incorporating elements of the Zodiac and the seven Planetary symbols. It tunes us into our natural cycles and with the Latin inscription ‘solve et coagula’ it is a symbol of a unified Self – how can we share our wholeness?
Alchemist’s Rotary Pendant
 Alchemist’s Rotary Pendant gold jewellery
The Lunita Grande is in the silvery light of the moon. It is textured Sterling Silver.
In ancient Roman mythology, Luna is the divine embodiment of the Moon.
We also love the Rise earrings using pearl which again enhances the power of the moon and in ancient times was associated with purity, clarity, acceptance and abundance. Pearl is one of the ‘navratna’ or nine sacred gems mentioned in Ayurvedic wisdom, Sanskrit literature and across Asia. The pearl represents ‘chandra’ - the moon.
How might your dreams change and how may your intentions manifest if you bring the energy of the moon into your life?
Celebrate the ebb and flow of your own creative energy. Get in touch with Nature, barefoot on the earth, wild swimming, bask in the light of the moon.
Jewellery has always been a symbol of intent – a protective talisman or a conscious reminder of commitment (what is a wedding ring after all?) Symbology is a trans-global language – ancient peoples used symbols and archetypes that appear around the world pre-dating trans-atlantic travel.
What symbols are you drawn to? We love these creations by @cosmiccreatior using our designs to create these magical collages
Right now, we are drawn to symbols of strength, rebirth and transformation.
We need to re-envision the world, our cities, our oceans, our lives.  We love the Ouroboros Snake ring - it is an ancient symbol of the cyclicality of nature, eternity and resurrection. We love the potential for change that this snake symbol inspires.
We need to find conscious practices and symbolic reminders to cultivate a sense of inner strength. We are inspired by Ishtar - She is the Sumerian Warrior Goddess of strength and love. Right now, we need to invoke our Warrior Goddess spirit – to create conscious change and a deeper sense of connection – to ourselves, to others and to the planet.
The jewellery we have chosen to compliment our clothes is bold and echoes our connection to Nature, our creative energy and our nomadic spirit. The designers we work with are inspired by traditional methods, tribal crafts, textured materials and powerful symbols and work as much as possible with recycled metal and sustainable stones.